SEIU 1021

Marin Housing Authority members picket employer
Choosing to leave public housing residents living in dangerous, rodent-filled conditions, Marin Housing Authority management has declared an impasse on contract negotiations

Marin Housing Authority workers on strike on March 11, 2024

Monday, April 15, SEIU 1021 members at Marin Housing Authority (MHA) – including maintenance staff, case managers, and housing locators – picketed their employer to protect Marin County’s most vulnerable. 

For years, MHA management has been replacing union jobs with contractors. These contractors have been terrorizing MHA residents with faked inspections, false eviction notices, and dangerous living conditions. During recent Board meetings, MHA residents have repeatedly pleaded to have their living conditions — involving rats, mold, failed plumbing, and dubious electrical wiring – fixed. 

Thanks to the heroic efforts of a coalition of MHA employees, MHA residents, and Marin County taxpayers, MHA management has agreed to phase out the vast majority of its dealings with its most abusive contractor Nan McKay. 

While a laudable concession, MHA remains incapable of attracting adequate levels of union staff — leaving MHA residents in inhumane living conditions. 

SEIU 1021 members at MHA are fighting to make sure public housing residents can live in a dignified, humane manner. By declaring an impasse on union negotiations, MHA management has made the choice to leave Marin’s public housing residents living in dangerous, demoralizing conditions. 

“Marin Housing Authority management has revealed its disregard for its residents and union employees,” said SEIU 1021 MHA Chapter President Carrie Smith, a housing locator for MHA. “By allowing residents to continue to live in dangerous, rodent-filled units; terrorizing those residents with incompetent contractors; and repeatedly committing unfair labor practices, management is further disempowering Marin’s most vulnerable.” 

Support your fellow Marin Housing Authority 1021 members by visiting their campaign pages, scrolling down, and filling out the petition.